Hi! I'm here to help you regain energy, rework your lifestyle and live your best life!

Let's Have A Chat

I'm Elizabeth. Conscious Mama, Holistic Health Coach And Cancer Thriver.

I'm Elizabeth. Conscious Mama, Holistic Health Coach And Cancer Thriver.

Let's Have A Chat

Growing up, I had a keen love for the outdoors, animals and all things nature. I was quirky and loved to spend time alone (2/4 hermit/opportunist energy). I spent much of my young adult life feeling misunderstood, unheard and I bottled up those feelings deep inside.

I went to university, entered the professional world and did 'as was expected' while at home I spent my time crafting new skin care products or reading about wellness. As I drifted further from my calling, I became unwell; chronic fatigue, bouts of depression, alcohol dependency and a sense of loneliness that was truly overpowering.

Real talk? I thought my fatigue was 'normal' and that I just needed to get on with it.

After the birth of my first son, Conor, I was diagnosed with severe post natal depression and I was on my knees. I knew I had to find a way to move forward for him and myself.

I pulled from my aromatherapy and crystal healing training to ease my sadness and I started to look at what I was eating and how I could support my brain and body.

I began practicing kundalini yoga each day to shift out addiction and cut right through to my true, authentic self. Things were definitely starting to change in my life! Although the depression was improving, and my lifestyle was what I thought was impeccable, the fatigue still lingered.

After the birth of my first son, Conor, I was diagnosed with severe post natal depression and I was on my knees. I knew I had to find a way to move forward for him and myself.

I pulled from my aromatherapy and crystal healing training to ease my sadness and I started to look at what I was eating and how I could support my brain and body.

I began practicing kundalini yoga each day to shift out addiction and cut right through to my true, authentic self. Things were definitely starting to change in my life! Although the depression was improving, and my lifestyle was what I thought was impeccable, the fatigue still lingered.

 During this time, I conceived and gave birth to my second child, Vivienne, and introduced her to our conscious and natural home via a Home Birth. I trained as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and a Sound Healing Practitioner and enjoyed supporting other women to transform and evolve via local events, retreats and 1:1 offerings.

I was feeling optimistic, but I just still couldn't shake the fatigue + the ultra fine hair I had had for years.

In 2021, 3 months after the birth of my third child, Dax, I began to feel severely unwell and eventually collapsed, much to the surprise of myself, my family and my friends. What could be going on? 

Advanced thyroid cancer, that's what.

It turned out it had be growing over approximately a decade, undetected until postpartum hormonal changes caused my thyroid to swell (postpartum thyroiditis). After realising that I was expected to survive 2 years, I tightened in even further on my already health FULL life and starting to look into the biology of belief so that I ensured I was around for years to come!

I am proud to say that although I still have cancer, it does not have me, and I am doing very well.

My Mission is to prevent other women from ending up in my shoes, lying on the sofa, wondering if they would make it to the next Christmas. My mission is to get to the root of your issues before it becomes more serious. My mission is to help you create a life that you absolutely want to live.

Advanced thyroid cancer, that's what.

It turned out it had be growing over approximately a decade, undetected until postpartum hormonal changes caused my thyroid to swell (postpartum thyroiditis). After realising that I was expected to survive 2 years, I tightened in even further on my already health FULL life and starting to look into the biology of belief so that I ensured I was around for years to come!

I am proud to say that although I still have cancer, it does not have me, and I am doing very well.

My Mission is to prevent other women from ending up in my shoes, lying on the sofa, wondering if they would make it to the next Christmas. My mission is to get to the root of your issues before it becomes more serious. My mission is to help you create a life that you absolutely want to live.

Qualifications And Experience


  • BSc Exercise Physiology and      Nutrition
  • Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist
  • Aromatherapy
  • Advanced Aromatherapy


  • Reiki 1 + Reiki 2
  • Sound Healing Practitioner
  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher
  • Crystal + Chakra Healing
Let's Have A Chat

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